Our Planet, Netflix review ★★★★

Hurrah for the new series from David Attenborough! Netflix documentary Our Planet shows the bizarre life-cycles of wildlife across the world – this will be the docu-series of the year

Our Planet, Netflix review
Every new David Attenborough documentary promises to be an event, a spectacle. For a while, the BBC have enjoyed the presence of his most famous programmes, but now Attenborough's eloquent tones have made their way to Netflix.

In Our Planet, a new series from the creators of the original Planet Earth, Attenborough takes us on another worldly journey through wild environments and weird animals, all struggling to survive. And like the famous condemnation of plastic in oceans in The Blue Planet II, every episode beats with warning about the maintenance of the Earth and what can be done to help it.

Despite the lack of action, Our Planet is effortlessly sublime

Our Planet is one of Attenborough’s most politically charged series, reflecting in every episode what needs to be done to protect environments integral to the planet’s survival. Not only does he bring these issues to a thunderous light, especially when watching a massive glacier collapse into the sea, but offers examples where the help is working.

Every episode leaves with some scary words of warning, slightly ruined by the irritating presence of Ellie Goulding singing the unbearably cheesy ‘I can hear the whole world singing together’ during the end credits. But Autoplay’s quick to rectify this – even Netflix is sick of it.

Our Planet isn’t Attenborough’s finest work, but it’s a strong competitor. The flavours of nature, education, beauty, and optimism are strong here – and it's a welcome addition to Netflix's repetoire.

Our Planet is available on Netflix from Friday 5th April

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What Our Planet, Netflix review
When 05 Apr 19 – 05 Apr 22, Released on Netflix on 5 April
Price £n/a

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