How to get tickets: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Hold on to your sorting hats and get ready to book Harry Potter and the Cursed Child tickets on the Friday Forty deal

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: how to get tickets this Thursday
Harry Potter Play: Friday Forty Guide

Each Friday at 1pm, 40 tickets are released for each and every performance in the upcoming week.

The countdown icon on the book tickets page will be magicked into a clickable booking button.

Tickets will be for parts one and two in consecutive performances, and you can only order tickets for yourself and one guest. But they are promised to be 'some of the very best seats in the theatre', for a reduced price.

Friday Forty Tickets for each show are £20, so £40 in total to see parts one and two.

Unlike similar ticket release schemes, this Harry Potter ticket lottery is as global as the wizard's reputation. Rather than registering in person at Leicester Square's Palace Theatre, hopeful Potterheads must try their luck online here.

So no need to wake up at dawn to queue, but a whole world of frantically refreshing browsers makes securing tickets trickier than catching the golden snitch in a cloud of Dementors.

Everyone who clicks the Book Tickets button at 1pm will be assigned a place in the virtual queue. The randomly selected few will be given access to book tickets for a selection of the next week's performances.

The likelihood of getting through to the booking page might be akin to finally receiving that long awaited Hogwarts letter, but at least it's fair and affordable.

We recommend you bookmark this booking page and try your luck every Friday.

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