Derry Girls, Channel 4

Drop everything and watch Derry Girls. Lisa McGee's new coming of age comedy is brilliant

Derry Girls, Channel 4
Northern Ireland in the early 90s. Sounds like a hilarious time to be alive, doesn't it? What with political and religious conflict raging on and all the death.

Well... no, don't be stupid. Obviously it wasn't a fun time for anyone. But Derry Girls, Channel 4's new coming of age comedy, does it's very best to convince us otherwise.

Welcome to the 90s, where some aimless school girls and their quick one-liners are just trying to get by. Protagonist and 16-year-old Erin Quinn (Saoirse Jackson) is raging against her impossible family, whilst all her friends are blessed with sharp tongues and cutting insight.

On the first day of school, Erin discovers her cousin Orla reading her diary. The resulting drama is almost enough to distract from the fact that Grandpa Joe has just announced that there's a bomb on the bridge. And that the IRA are everywhere.

A brilliant cast and a razor-sharp script by Lisa McGee offers a huge hit of 90s nostalgia and some fearsome one-liners strong enough to make you spit your Guinness out.

This is the comedy show to keep you going and to remind you that even in the middle of winter, and in the heat of a Brexit tornado, London's not so bad, really.
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What Derry Girls, Channel 4
Where Channel 4, Channel 4 , Channel 4 , Channel 4 | MAP
When 10 Jan 18 – 31 Mar 18, 12:00 AM – 12:00 AM
Price £n/a

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