Elizabeth I, Channel 5

The Virgin Queen returns to our screens with this a new Channel 5 drama starring Lily Cole: Elizabeth I

Lily Cole in Elisabeth I, Channel 5
Yet another drama about Elizabeth I? More screen time for the cursed Tudors? Really? Can't we watch something, anything else? We hear you. But this drama, Elizabeth I on Channel 5, stars Lily Cole, the model. So, yeah.

Actually, the story of Elizabeth I is interesting enough to survive being endlessly retold. The Queen is often remembered as the greatest monarch to rule England; the woman who brought a modicum of religious tolerance and peace to a country endlessly flitting between waring religions and fighting off murderous challenges abroad. Her own life was beset with challenges – political and personal.

You might think you know the old story, but there's a reason the story of this great Queen has been told so many times. We're genuinely looking forward to seeing Lily Cole try her hand at bringing the beloved monarch to life.

Elizabeth I airs Tuesday May 9, 2017 21:00 - 22:00
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What Elizabeth I, Channel 5
Where Channel 5, Channel 5, Channel 5 | MAP
When On 09 May 17, 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Price £n/a

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