The Extraordinary Voyage, National Maritime Museum

In an immersive experience at the National Maritime Museum, you and your team will have 90 minutes to prove that you're the greatest adventurers of all time

The Extraordinary Voyage, National Maritime Museum
Avast ye! Fire Hazard Games and Royal Museums Greenwich are launching The Extraordinary Voyage, an immersive experience which marries interactive theatre with mobile games to allow you to play out your very own swashbuckling adventure with friends and family.

Based on the challenge given to the character Phileas Fogg to sail around the world in 80 days in Jules Verne's 1873 novel, players will have 90 minutes to solve puzzles and compete against other teams, all the while interacting with real life actors. Feel like you're an intrepid voyager navigating the high seas in the setting of Greenwich's National Maritime Museum, and throughout the game, players will have the chance to visit the museum's exhibits.

The Extraordinary Voyage is the latest in a series of games organised across London's museums by Raiders of the Lost Archive which allow players to discover the city's cultural institutions in a new, interactive way. Unmoor yourself from reality for a short while at The Extraordinary Voyage, and turn real-life locations into your playground.
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What The Extraordinary Voyage, National Maritime Museum
Where National Maritime Museum, Park Row, Greenwich, London , SE10 9NF | MAP
Nearest tube North Greenwich (underground)
When 02 Jun 19 – 04 Aug 19, 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Price £23
Website Click here for tickets and information

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