Secret Cinema presents Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: The Live Immersive Experience

For its latest immersive venture, Secret Cinema storms into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and its distinctly unheroic team of superheroes: the Guardians of the Galaxy

Chris Pratt as Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 (Photo: Sky/Marvel Studios)
No one knew quite what to expect when the trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy dropped in 2014. Is that Chris Pratt from Parks and Recreation? Why is Zoe Saldana green? Is that a talking raccoon? Is that tree really voiced by Vin Diesel? This down-to-earth superhero team is the anti-Avengers: a gang of morally dubious outlaws who end up saving everyone, led by the silly but strong Star-Lord (Pratt).

Left to right: Gamorra (Zoe Saldana), Star Lord (Chris Pratt), Groot (Vin Diesel), Drax (Dave Bautista), and Rocket (Bradley Cooper). Photo: Sky/Marvel Studios

The Guardians weren’t as popular as their more heroic counterparts like Iron Man, Spider-Man and Thor, but they found unprecedented success. They returned for a sequel (Vol. 2), securing their status as an eternally integral part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Guardians also restarted the trend (for better and worse) for impressive tracklists in Hollywood movies. The soundtracks to both films added to the colours, the comedy, and the overall fun of the franchise.

Maybe those classic bangers – Hooked on a Feeling, Mr. Blue Sky, Father and Son – will find their way into Secret Cinema’s brand-new venture: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: The Live Immersive Experience.

Photo: Sky/Marvel Studios

In this Secret Cinema event, you have been recruited by Yondu, who’s part of the crime syndicate known as the Ravagers. He’s looking for new recruits, perhaps to hunt down the Guardians themselves, and you have the chance to embark on interstellar raids and revel in chaos.

You’ll explore fantastical planets like Contraxia and Knowhere, choosing your own path and bending the rules after swearing to adhere to the Ravager code. You might even meet your favourite characters. This is a must-see summer spectacle for Marvel fans.

Secret Cinema presents Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: The Live Immersive Experience starts on Wednesday 31 August and continues until Sunday 30 October.


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What Secret Cinema presents Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: The Live Immersive Experience
When 31 Aug 22 – 30 Oct 22, 12:00 AM
Price £42 - £180
Website Click here for more information

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