Janet Jackson, O2 Arena

An icon returns at the O2 Arena: Janet Jackson plays March show

Janet Jackson, Photograph: Fact
Although she was born into one of America’s most illustrious musical dynasties, Janet Jackson is known for treading her own path. Her 1986 album Control was a statement of intent that has set the tone for much of her career. A manifesto of empowerment atop gloriously insistent funk beats, it remains a certifiable eighties classic.

A multi-platinum selling star with albums about everything from social injustice to personal breakdown, Jackson channels serious lyrical concerns through immediately gratifying pop songs. Even at her most serious, she is never joyless.

After six years of relative silence, she has returned with Unbreakable, referencing a song from her late brother Michael’s final record. As the title track announces, this is home territory for Jackson – an avowal of strength in the face of hardship. Musically, the album is sleek R&B at its finest. Stand out tracks like ‘No Sleeep’ and ‘The Great Forever’ build around moonlit grooves, slow-burning their way into your consciousness.

On March 31st, Jackson plays O2 Arena: a chance to hear a true icon, still very much at the top of her game.

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What Janet Jackson, O2 Arena
Where O2 Arena, Peninsula Square , SE10 0DX | MAP
Nearest tube North Greenwich (underground)
When On 31 Mar 16, Starts at 18:30
Price £35-75
Website Click here to book via the O2 Arena website

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