Grass, The Unicorn Theatre ★★★★★

Children in London take a break from the metropolis and delve into the green and bug filled world of grass

Grass, Unicorn Theatre
Grass, Unicorn Theatre Review. Culture Whisper says: ★★★★★

The Unicorn Theatre is one of Culture Whisper's favourite venues for children. Their performance this winter for London's very little ones: Grass, is a bubbly concoction of different types of entertainment: part dance performance, part quick-fire quiz, part lights-show and part biology lesson. It tries to entertain children for an hour whilst smuggling in as much information about the natural world as possible.

Dancers Helena Webb and Keir Patrick don a number of different costumes to become worms or ants or bumblebees to tell the story of how each animal lives, with humorous little skits that include an ant dance off, and a bumble-bee bum shaking conversation.

The show isn't seamless and the pacing between different scenes is off, jumping somewhat confusingly from quiet biology lesson to wild Dubstep show. But the children seemed to follow it and especially enjoyed being invited to play a kind of bug charades, guessing which creepy critter the dancers were pretending to be.

We most especially recommend children go to the performance on Saturday 23rd January, when children get to meet some real life bugs, from giant cockroaches to leaping katydids.

If you'd rather spend some time in nature, we recommend taking time to go puddle jumping to spend time in London's parks. But for an in-depth look at the quirks of nature and the ways of the bugs they find in the grass around them, there's no better place than the Unicorn Theatre.

Suitable for ages 4-7
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What Grass, The Unicorn Theatre
Where The Unicorn Theatre, 147 Tooley St, London, SE1 2HZ | MAP
Nearest tube London Bridge (underground)
When 15 Jan 16 – 31 Jan 16, Show times vary
Price £10-£16
Website Click here for more and to book via the Unicorn Theatre

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