Animal Vision at the Natural History Museum

It is a truth universally acknowledged that most kids love animals. The Natural History museum..

Courtesy of Natural History Museum

It is a truth universally acknowledged that most kids love animals. The Natural History Museum have realised the educational potential of this fact, and Animal Vision is the result. In this fun and interactive show, children will learn all about the evolution of the eye and how animals see, through active engagement with the creatures themselves.

Each free half-hour show is presenter-led and features live animal demonstrations, audience participation, multi-screen imagery and film,all of which combine to make the show seem less like a lesson, and more like an entertaining experience. A highlight for braver children (and parents!) will surely be the opportunity to handle live animals, including lizards and insects.

How have animals’ eyes adapted to escape predators and catch prey? How do the eyes of bees and butterflies aid the process of pollination? Why do scorpions glow under ultraviolet light? Find out the answers to all of these questions and more at the Animal Vision show

Ticket price: FREE

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What Animal Vision at the Natural History Museum
Where Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road , SW7 5BD | MAP
When 22 Jan 14 – 23 Jan 14, Half hour session from 10:30 am to 2pm
Website Click here for more details